Sunday, December 3, 2006
Avyaktam Energy Symbol Original

Significance of this Symbol
History Of Development
I started experimenting with small stickers on which I manually drew the single symbol. With positive results. As this was pretty unhandy I decided after a couple of years that I wanted a sticker with the symbol printed on it. So one Sunday afternoon I sat with my Aurovilian friend Andreika and his AutoCad and designed the symbol and after a couple of wasted sheets got it on stickers. I have been applying the symbols on computers, data-connections, metal objects etc. in workplace and for people I cared for or who cared for it. Nobody however reacted or seemed to notice. I made photocopy's of the sticker sheet and started trying out whole sheets or part thereof. One sheet could effectively overcome the negative energy of the TV in my hotel room. (before I would use pulsors for the same)
It started to dawn on me what immense implications this symbol could have on our civilization. If the symbol would be widely implicated the effects would have to be counted in billions, not to speak of improvement of well being. Also for practical reasons-better use of space- I wanted to develop the symbol in the direction of what now has become the Avyaktam Symbol. Last October I went to visit my family on Ibiza, the Spanish island where people go to have a "good time". I intended to work with the symbol on the house of my sister and my parents. I could do these houses to my satisfaction. Told my sister to make copies and how to use them. I was also very satisfied with the experiment of putting sheets under the mats in the cars. I had again the space problem in the inside compartment in cell phones. So I decided I would make a new version. About 10 days ago I went to Olivier, also an Aurovilian and with his DTP skills he quickly made what I wanted. My Acu-pulsor had decided the number of single symbols would be nine. The first print was an error, but I got A4 format symbol and as I was running out of ink it faded to the top: nice result. Then came the sheets full of symbols with a bit hallucinogenic 3D effect. I made 50 copies and started putting them. WOW. I decided I had to make an optimal A4 sheet. Bigger symbols work stronger than small ones, but many small ones better than a few big ones. The result was a A4 sheet with 5832 individual symbols, but with enough space to cut the paper. When it came out of the printer after so many minutes I was really amazed by it's power and the quality of it's power and I understood that it could do much more than alone protect against the negative effects of exposure to EM-smog. Since then many interesting discoveries have been made and I am distributing the sheets to fellow Aurovilians. And got some first very enthusiastic feedback.
Primal Energy Vortex Polarity System
The Pendulum
What is Pulsor?®
What is Pulsor?®
Pulsor® microcrystals contrary to common thinking, are not quartz crystals as most people would think whenever the word "crystal" is mentioned. There are actually many kinds of crystals. The ones inside Pulsor® comprise an energy cell with a multitude of quasi electronic tank circuits acting as traps and wave filters of various frequencies of the vortex energy systems. Pulsor® microcrystals are also sensitive to a wide range of frequencies of the environmental electric and magnetic fields,
The Pulsor® consists of millions of specially designed and processed microcrystals. Each of these crystal particles has the ability to store energy and to discharge energy at specific frequencies. The body's pulsating bio-magnetic waves tend to make these Pulsor® crystals self organize in series and parallel grid patterns.
How Does Pulsor® Work?
Pulsor® a Passive Negative Ion Effect Generator
Pulsor'"' is in effect a passive solid state negative ion effect generator, Pulsor" is able to change the counter clockwise spin of the subatomic particles of the positive ions to clockwise spin, It is the positive spin of these minute energy systems that make the negative ions beneficial, This polarity change in the spin by Pulsor" makes it appear that Pulsor" can actually change the effects of positive ions to those of the negative ions, On the other hand, when the subatomic particles start spinning counter clockwise the positive ion effect is produced,
Automatic Conversion to the Correct Polarities
The automatic conversion changes the negative spin (counter clockwise) to positive spin (clockwise) at the natural positive vortex polarity centers of the biological life form,.
This same feature will change the positive spin to negative spin at the natural negative vortex polarity centers of the biological life form.[2]
[1] Because of this feature Pulsors can be used beneficially by biological life forms.(Jérôme)
[2] From: Pulsor® Miracle of Microcrystals by Dr. George T.F. Yao: Published by Gyro Industries
ISBN 0-9615211-0-4
New Scalar Physics
Declaration of free availability of Avyaktam Symbol
Description of symbol as designed here
Thanks to
Shiva Riding Bull

About Me

- Jérôme Auroville
- Let me become again that child playing in Your garden. Aliasses: Jerome, Jérôme, Jérôme Jean Toussaint Van der Linden. The most important influence in my life are Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. I work with pulsors since 25 years. I work with energized crystals since 18 years. I'm a non practicing physiotherapist. Have been a computer repairer for 7 years, after I took a break as a healer. And at the moment earn some money with translating. I started studying conspiracy, ET, etc, about 3 years ago. I'm a Dutch national.
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